About Us
Hello good people! Our story begins where most legendary stories do - in the shower! Flashback to Thanksgiving 2008 - we were living in Colorado & Jason was cleaning up after a long day working as a wild land firefighter. After dropping the soap multiple times, he wished for soap on a rope. Not only that, but he wished for it in the shape of a hemp leaf...with quality essential oils and organic hemp seed oil. AND he wanted it to be called Dope on a Rope. Had it been done? Not the way we envisioned it!
We got down to business with trademarks, testing soap recipes and developing our soap molds. A series of unfortunate events occurred and Jason lost his job - this was a sign that it was GO TIME with our idea! We sold our first Dope on a Rope Soaps in the parking lot of Red Rocks during Reggae on the Rocks...that first night of selling proved the soap would be a big hit, and inspired us to go forward! We began selling at concerts farmers markets, cannabis conventions...we even sold soap at the top of the Grand Canyon!
Our soaps are made in a simple soap studio located in southwest Florida. We head back to Colorado during the summer to attend farmers markets and music festivals - please look for us at an event near you soon...one of our biggest passions is meeting customers face to face, seeing the smiles and laughter that comes from our soaps, and sharing the HEMP SOAP LOVE with you! Thanks for everyone's support over the years!
Your Soap Crew